Contacting Capella Cleaning During COVID-19 Crisis

We began Capella Cleaning in 2019 when we decided to upgrade our cleaning business after five years of hard work and experience in the industry.

Committed to Safety During COVID-19

Concerns over health and safety continue to grow throughout the country during the spread and spike of COVID-19. We recognize the important role of deep cleaning and disinfecting in all of this and we are still servicing our customers in this time of need.

Professional residential cleaning can help keep your home clean and safe during the Coronavirus pandemic. Capella Cleaning is going above and beyond to make safety our first priority.

We vigilantly follow the guidelines and protocol published by the Center for Disease Control to prevent the spread of the virus. To stop cross-contamination we are taking the following measures:

  • Staff wear facemasks, shoe covers, and disposable gloves at all times
  • Disposable dusters and other cleaning materials are used only once
  • Cleaning equipment such as vacuum and mop are thoroughly disinfected between houses

The CDC recommends routine cleaning of high touch areas such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc. to effectively reduce the number of germs, dirt, and impurities in your space. Our staff follows a thorough cleaning checklist that covers all high touch areas and much more to lower your risk for COVID-19.

For your safety, you can count on our staff to follow these procedures:

  • Cleaners are checking their temperatures before the start of each day.
  • Cleaners will wear a mask while cleaning your home and maintain the 6 feet distancing rule.

In addition, any employee experiencing flu-like symptoms will not be on cleaning duty. We kindly request that our clients call and reschedule services if they or a family member are feeling ill or displaying symptoms.

Rest assured, we are taking every professional precaution possible to make our cleaning services safe during COVID-19!